It’s Not Easy, Um, You Know…Being Green


When I first laid eyes on the Last Whole Earth Catalog back in the mid-1970s I became aware of the notion of sustainability (back in the day this was called “ecology“.)

Ecology-thinking drove me to give up dirt-biking, believing that gasoline powered transport was a bad idea for a hobby. Ironically it was thinking green that convinced me to take up off-road motorcycling this year, seeing that a motorbike is cleaner than a Jeep.

But along the way I’ve made a lot of compromises to my sustainable future idealism. For instance, I work for a company that is undoubtedly a horrible polluter. I drive to work daily. I burn incandescent light bulbs. That sort of thing.

One of the great hopes that I have for ObamaNation is that there will be an upswell in green thinking…and green action. I’ve long been a believer that there is money to be made in sustainable technologies…but that there would need to be substantial investment by the government to get the ball rolling. 

So here’s what’s on my mind today–how does a person make a living by ‘being green?” Where are the opportunities in today’s economy? I’m starting my own little project here in this corner of coyoteville…and I’m calling it “Greenville” to kind of give myself a loose blogging focus. My aim is to enter the conversation about green technologies, green jobs and sustainable futures.

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