Status Check

It’s been a rugged month, pouring on the overtime at the Evil Day Job from Hell. Server installation gone bad. Migration to a new content management system that gobbles up man hours the way the Devil snacks on the souls of young teens. The only thing that comes to mind when I get home from a 10 hour shift is “I don’ wanna.”

Our small group just wrapped up a study of John Eldredge’s Waking the Dead. The premise is that the Protestant church is focused on cognitive gymnastics while people’s souls are going to Hell in a basket. We force ourselves to believe, we keep ourselves busy, but our hearts are dead.

I think it’s a good premise. But the book seemed a little thin on a remedy. How do you care for your heart? Some of Eldredge’s suggestions were to take a bubble bath, spend more time in woodshop, go camping. These seem like trivial pursuits when you look at the way Jesus cared for his heart–forty days in the desert with no food.

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