When Plants Attack


Bite from a feral Manzanita

After reading about cougar attacks and grizzly bear maulings I found myself completely unprepared for another kind of terror on the trails–the terrible flesh-eating Manzanita of Matilija Canyon. I was hiking through the thicket minding my own business when one of these vicious trees took a wicked 2-1/2″ bite out of my forearm.

Interestingly enough this is the first time in years that I’ve thought to pack a first aid kit while hiking.  It makes you wonder a bit whether or not safety equipment actually invites disaster. Fortunately the injury was not more serious. No blood was physically squirting from my arm, therefore I wasn’t really hurt. (This is the heuristic that I’ve always given my children for evaluating an injury–if the blood don’t squirt, you’re not really hurt–and it’s only right that I apply it to myself from time to time.)

I was a little nonplussed to discover that $9.99 First Aid pouch I purchased at the local grocery was equipped primarily with a couple blister packs of ointment, 500 1/4″ plastic adhesive micro-bandages and a Q-Tip.  But there was one gauze pad and an elfin roll of adhesive tape to hold it in place so I was good for this trip. Before I trek again I had better stock up on some more serious ER equipment. God forbid I might get savaged by a Madrone.

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