
Posts related to thinking, psychology, or other endeavors of the mind.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

In this fictionalized account of a real two-week motorcycle trip that Robert Pirsig took with his son Christopher and two friends, Pirsig explores a number of philosophical themes through informal observations that he calls “Chautauquas.” At the start of the story Pirsig sets up a conflict between two mindsets, the Romantic and the Classical. The

diagram of a Victorian garden

The Garden and the Mind

Anne-Laure Le Cunff observes that the French have a phrase cultiver son jardin intérieur – or caring for your interior garden. It’s a way of saying that the mind is like a garden.  There is more to the comparison than simple metaphor. The garden is one of humanity’s oldest creations. And there seems to be

Free Your Mind and Your Ass Will Follow

The other morning I had a mind-blowing revelation – this breaking news that has people freaking out – it’s all bullshit. There’s a bigger problem facing us and we don’t even see it. The insight came to me while I was headed for work southbound on the 101 freeway, taking a break from the headlines