Kintsugi, an Art that Goes Beyond Repair

Celadon chrysanthemum cup repaired with gold
Photo by Gary Kirchenbauer, public domain

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken ceramics with lacquer mixed with gold.

The repair doesn’t hide the damage – it accentuates the fractures and makes them a focal point, creating a more interesting and potentially more valuable object than the original.

Part of the aesthetic of kintsugi is to acknowledge the damage and repair as a valuable part of the object’s history. It stems from the philosophy of wabi-sabi, seeing the beauty in ordinary things.


BBC looks at kintsugi as a metaphor for self-acceptance Kintsugi: Japan’s ancient art of embracing imperfection


In much the same way that repair can be an act of creation, we must also consider creation as an act of repair SEE Repair to Create New Wholeness

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