Architecture - Page 2

Life Architecture: Map Vision to Structure

For about a year or so I’ve been exploring ways to restructure my life in a more natural, “living process” kind of way. Consider that nature is not in the business of suddenly creating new structures. Instead it takes existing structures and makes small tweaks that reinforce, strengthen, and elaborate the existing structure. To get

example of life structure

Life Architecture: Find the Structure of Your Life

The idea that I’m working on here is to try and use architectural principles to redesign the structure of your life to create new structures that feel “alive” and propels you forward. The first step is to capture a vision of how you’d life to be in the future. The idea isn’t to set goals

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Life Architecture: Start with a Vision

When you’re trying to re-design your life, you want some kind of idea what you want your life to look and feel like. Here’s a process that I’ve worked through a couple of times and I think could work for anybody. It’s pretty simple, start sketching out in words how you’d like your life to

image - view of Ventura promenade

A Pattern Language for San Buenaventura

Some cities are like stories. Others are more like poems. But every city has a kind of narrative structure that people experience as they move along the streets and past the buildings, first with anticipation, followed by the fulfillment of arrival and then a summary of the story upon departure. The building blocks of these

What Makes a Place Feel Alive?

When I was working my way through college I had a part-time gig delivering phone books. In that line of work you got paid by the pound so it made the most sense to deliver to as many apartment buildings as you could. A lot of apartment buildings are dreary places – long corridors of

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Living Ventura – How a City Unfolds

The Chumash people, so the legend goes, were created when the earth goddess Hutash planted seeds on Santa Cruz Island. The seeds became men and women. Over time the people prospered and filled the island. Hutash built a bridge using a rainbow and they crossed to the mainland, populating the area. Cities grow like seeds.

Notre Dame and the Center of Life in Paris

We spent an afternoon at the cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris, in 2014 and it was delightful and amazing as you might expect. My favorite memory is the little girl in the picture above, so happy to feed the sparrows that gather in the courtyard. It will probably be a while before we know what

hostile park bench

Architecture Against Humanity

When I think of architecture and urban design I think of people who are working together to create pleasing spaces that promote all kinds of social interaction.  Tongva Park in Santa Monica is a fairly  small piece of land that feels expansive because of the way its interconnected walkways hide and reveal new areas to

15 Ways to Use Public Space to Make a City More Liveable

Business Insider’s title for their urban round-up is a little off – 15 of the most beautiful public spaces in the world, according to urban designers makes you think you’ll be seeing a dozen parks or outdoor malls. In fact what you’re getting is an overview of how insightful urban planning can transform a city

Is Apple’s New HQ Really a View of the Future? Or Just a Blast from Our Suburban Past?

The idea behind the flying-saucer design of Apple’s new headquarters is to generate plenty of cross-traffic and promote serendipitous encounters. That may be the case, but according to an article by Hunter Oatman-Stanford in Collector’s Weekly the design really isn’t terribly new. Connecticut General’s new corporate estate included snack bars, ping-pong tables, shuffleboards, bowling alleys, tennis

Order an Ultramodern Home – Starting at $38,000 | Shipping Containers

Shipping containers have been a promising alternative to prefab architecture at least since Stewart Brand’s Sausalito research library. According to Gizmag there is now a Canadian firm called Honomobo that will drop one of these ready-to-inhabit home spaces on your lot for the price of a basic remodel. Of course you’ll have to work out