First Aid

Texas Bull Nettle

How to Relieve the Sting of a Texas Bull Nettle

A brush with a nettle of any species is something to avoid but the Texas bull nettle (Cnidoscolus texanus) is particularly nasty. My East Texas offers some tips for dealing with with bull nettle if you ever get stung. While there are several theories for relief floating around, most folks will recommend urinating on it!

How to Avoid Blood-Sucking Vermin (Ticks, Not Lawyers)


If you hike then sooner or later you will have to deal with ticks. These cunning relatives of the spider wait on the ends of leaves and grasses for an unsuspecting mammal to brush past and then climb aboard for a free lunch. Alicia MacKleay provides a comprehensive guide to dealing with ticks on and

Beyond First Aid: The Ultimate Emergency Manual

Here’s an excellent, free downloadable first aid resource designed for ships at sea where there is no doctor present. As expected, it is mostly aimed toward the seafarer, but much of the advice could be used in any type of expedition. Fishermen are particularly prone to infections of the hands and fingers because of their