
Free Your Mind and Your Ass Will Follow

The other morning I had a mind-blowing revelation – this breaking news that has people freaking out – it’s all bullshit. There’s a bigger problem facing us and we don’t even see it. The insight came to me while I was headed for work southbound on the 101 freeway, taking a break from the headlines

What’s the Big Idea Behind TEDxConejo?


Buckminster Fuller believed that power and potential came from opposing forces. Fuller’s geodesic dome, an enclosed space with no need for interior supports, made use of this principle. But Fuller felt that the clash of opposites could do much more than keep buildings aloft. He saw in these forces the potential to end world hunger.

RIP Art Clokey, Gumby’s Dad

I had the pleasure of meeting Art Cloakey quite a few years ago. He denied that Gumby advocated LSD and he seemed genuinely hurt by Eddie Murphy’s Saturday Night Live portrayal of the little clayboy. “Gumby is an ambassador for all that is good and innocent in the world,” Cloakey said. While Gumby himself brims