Nature of Order

Doing one true thing at a time to intensify life

Doing one true thing at a time will intensify the life of that location where you are working. To know if it is a true thing, follow the feeling in your heart. If you do one thing at a time – just a true thing that comes from a carefully considered feeling – that means,

A garden is semi-cultivated wildness

A garden is more obviously a living structure because its various parts – trees, flower beds, animals – are all alive. Less visible is the continuous process of unfolding that is taking place, fruit dropping from trees and rotting, being swept away or eaten by birds and insects, a path meandering through the space for

The Heart and the Garden

When our desire moves us to make something, we begin to naturally start assembling bits and pieces into a kind of order. It doesn’t matter what we are working on, a piece of writing, a painting, a piece of furniture. There is an ordering process that is common to all creative works. The easiest place