Phil Houtz

How to Buy a Refrigerator Online (Part Deux)


Something that a reasonably smart person could overlook when buying a refrigerator online is to compare the measurements of the fridge to the measurements of the space in the kitchen where the fridge will go. If you are placing the refrigerator in a space between a wall and a cabinet, don’t forget to account for

Your Mileage May Vary Dept.


It’s day 30 and I’ve lost 2 lbs. faithfully following Timothy Ferriss’ Lose 20 Pounds of Fat in 30 Days Without Doing Any Exercise diet. I figure Mr. Ferriss owes me 18 lbs. right about now, payable in chocolate. Fact is that I had to cheat and start pumping a daily 20 minutes on the

More Killer Trees

Sure, trees look oh-so-huggable from a distance. But get too close and a tree might try stab you through the floorboards of your Jeep. I know from experience, the trees are pissed off and they’re not going to take it lying down. [Via JeepNewsNow]

The Dude Abides

I’m being stalked by a word. First it pops up in a Rick Mckinley sermon I heard on my iPhone. This same word practically beats me to death when we watched Night of the Hunter before Christmas. Over New Year’s the word snuck up on me in a game of Wii bowling (with Mii characters

Fat: It’s All In Your Head

Take 84 hotel maids and tell half of them that their job consists of exercise, lots of it, and what happens? The half that learns about the burn factor of their job loses weight and sees an improvement in blood pressure. The other half doesn’t. Maybe obesity is psychosomatic? Via NPR.

Happy New Year

Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual. Yesterday, everybody smoked his last cigar, took his last drink, and swore his last oath. To-day, we are a pious and exemplary community. Thirty days from now, we shall have cast our

2007 Look Back

I know, here it comes: the retrospective cliche. But what are you going to do? Highlights for 2007 included a DEAD WHALE!!!!, my first backpacking trip in 20 years, nearly losing my wife, getting lost in Ballinger canyon after dark, learning to identify birds, joining a climbing gym, and of course, my daughter’s wedding.

Sweating the No-Sweat Diet

Tim Ferriss promises that you can lose 20 lbs. of fat in 30 days without exercise. Let’s just ignore the fact that Tim’s diet spanned six weeks (not 30 days) during which time he lost 15 lbs. (not 20), and forget the fact that Tim’s diet role model cheats by exercising a little (50 marathons

Auto Belay: Falling in Slow Motion

This weekend I tried out the auto belay device at the local climbing gym. Remember, I’m not a climber. I start getting uncomfortable when I get over ten feet off the ground. And the auto belay is not giving me any solace here. The device works like those key rings that janitors clip to their

iPhone Goes Offroading


Engadget has an article about a Land Rover concept car that uses an iPhone to control the vehicle. Aside from the gee-whiz cool factor of the thing, you really have to wonder about the logic of having a touch-screen electronic interface for a vehicle with the core purpose of traveling in harsh conditions. It seems

Getting Tough: Building Climbing Calluses


How do you treat raw skin and build calluses after a weekend of rock climbing? My new challenge started a couple of weeks ago after I joined the local climbing gym. A few hours on the artificial walls and I’d peeled the skin off the palms of my hands in seven places. Three of the

Coyote Cute Overload

When photographer and writer Shreve Stockton found herself the guardian of a two-week old coyote pup she began taking pictures every day and mailing them to her friends. This grew to a sizable mailing list to which you can subscribe, therby getting your own daily coyote. Aside from being too cute to be legal, these

Google Maps Offer Relief


I use Google Maps alongside with USGS and USFS maps when I plan a Jeep junket. I just find it easier and faster to browse Google Maps than an actual topo map. The downside is that Google Maps isn’t always accurate. I’ve wound up facing dead ends a number of times following roads that appeared