The Biggest Little Adventure into Space
At Mercury Joe: a scale model Mercury rocket designed to take a GI Joe into outer space.
At Mercury Joe: a scale model Mercury rocket designed to take a GI Joe into outer space.
As if mail carriers didn’t have enough trouble with dogs already, BoingBoing reports that China is introducing the postman’s nightmare–pork scented stamps.
Jeepiki is a new wiki site set up for Jeep owners, in connection with the popular JeepForum. Jeepiki is populated mostly with factual info about specific models and some Jeep history.
Do you really want your tools to talk back? Well, with the Accutire pressure gauge, sure. Why not. The audible readout is handy when you’re checking tire pressure at night or in a dimly lit garage. The LCD display is a little hard to read in low-light conditions, making the audible feature all the more…
January 2006 started with a daytrip to Mt. Baldy to take the dogs for a run in the snow. After three hours in the minivan we arrived at a muddy, rocky ski lift. Rats. We mistakenly read the snow report for Mt. Baldy in Canada. Drove the VW bus to Big Sur to hear a…
Richard Rohr, in a “This I believe” segment on NPR, marvels that We love closure, resolution and clarity, while thinking that we are people of ‘faith’! How strange that the very word ‘faith’ has come to mean its exact opposite.
Maureen and I, along with several other couples, are going through Tom Stephen and Ginny Starkey’s devotional Fearless. On day four they ask these questions– Do you sense that God has a purpose for your life? Are you willing to humble yourself and ask God to reveal that purpose to you? Questions about purpose have…
I gave my Jeep a quick hose-down the other day and noticed that my California Adventure Pass was flapping in the breeze. For $30 you’d think the darn thing would at least have some decent glue. The pass is designed to hang from your rearview mirror. But for open-top vehicles (such as a Jeep) the…
Something happened last week, a load shifted in my psyche. I don’t have the words, really, to describe the feeling. Something like a grim set of the teeth. Determination to face the coming cyclone even though there will be nothing left intact on the other side. Over the weekend I went to see Scorsese’s brutal…
We spent the Thanksgiving holiday in San Luis Obispo visiting our long-time friends Gene and Ros. We also house-sat for a woman in Los Osos, free lodging in exchange for looking after her pets. In the morning we would take the dog for a walk. It was a strange experience because neighbors and other people…
Driving through the Irish countryside we saw countless small farms, each with a small herd of cattle or a few flocks of sheep. I don’t know what a head of beef goes for on the Irish market–I’d guess maybe between 800 and 1600 euro. Seems like you’d have to sell at least a hundred head…
You gotta love a gizmo that does only one thing, but does it exceptionally well. And if you find such a thing, let me know, because the Wolverine FlashPac has a few little quirks that leave me wondering if I can trust it completely. And that’s not how you want to feel about your equipment…
Leaving Dublin, heading for the airport, 5:00 AM, we found ourselves for just a second on Grafton Street in November. Young people in costume walked slowly, barefoot, weaving their unsteady ways to wherever home happens to be. Reality sinks in. Kavanagh’s Queen of Hearts is merciless. Without getting too sappy about it, I feel some…
Halloween in Dublin was a perfect night to go on a literary “pub crawl.” Our crawling party consisted of myself, Maureen’s brother Dan, his wife Christina and their children Cole and Ava. Cole was dressed as a Wraith, and Ava was in character as a lil’ devil. The city bustles with students who dress in…
Aside from visiting Williamstown and looking up the Family Tree, the other part of our mission was to cheer on Christy O’ as she ran the Dublin marathon. Christy was having some problems with a hip flexor and wasn’t planning to run a personal best, but she was determined to finish. Christy’s friend Tony O’Donnell…