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This Week: Shadow Blogging Jason Kottke

This week I’m going to pay close attention to, and maybe even blog in the style of, Jason Kottke. Kottke once held the #80 spot in the Technoratti Top 100 blogs. He’s dropped in standings but remains a remarkable blogger owing to his highly interesting posts and sparse, minimalist presentation. Kottke is currently working on

How to Blog Like Cory Doctorow


For the past week I’ve been following sci-fi writer Cory Doctorow as he posts on BoingBoing. Here’s what I’ve learned: 1. Be prolific. Doctorow posts anywhere from eight to sixteen posts a day. 2. Use pictures. Doctorow almost always includes a picture and he’s meticulous about the attribution. 3. Quote the material. A fair use

Netflix Gets Interesting: John Cassavettes’ Shadows


A couple of months ago we cut the cable and bought a Roku box, relying on Netflix Watch Instantly. To our huge disappointment we found that most of the movies we wanted to watch were not available for streaming. Moreover, Netflix’ recommendations were terrible. Mostly trashy adolescent comedies and B action movies. Then by some

Blog Experiment #53: Shadow-Blogging


I am amazed, baffled and tremendously envious of people who can make even a fraction of their living by blogging. So I decided to do something about it. Starting this week I am going to try my hand at shadowing another blogger and learning what exactly it is that they do. What are their topics?

Micoach the App – a Better Way to Run


The problem I have with running is that my brain still belongs to a high school athlete but my body is ancient. Consequently I wind up pushing myself too hard. After three weeks it’s simply too painful to continue. This changed when I started using the free Adidas Micoach app (pronounced My Coach). The core

Adventure on My Doorstep, Small Adventures


In the quest for small adventure I asked myself what’s the smallest adventure a person could have? I think it starts with discovering what’s going on right outside your front door. I decided to take a peek at what’s taking place on my doorstep and was a little surprised to see that the concrete steps

Looking for Some Adventure Between the Covers?


The water’s up, the trails are slippery. Unless you’ve got a good reason to be outdoors, now’s a good time to catch up on your reading. Next up on my reading list is a book I picked up at a rummage sale: I Should Have Stayed Home: The Worst Trips of the Great Writers. For

How to Explore the Suburban Frontier: Start with a Calendar


Let’s say that you want to become a Suburban Frontiersman…like Yours Truly. Where would you start? Perhaps you think you might need some gear, a pair of sturdy boots, a handy knife, a trustworthy haversack. But you’d be wrong. What you need is time. The Suburban Frontiersman’s life is chopped up until it’s a pizza

2010: The Lost Year


This past year feels like it slipped away. I had big plans in mind, got off the track and then simply reacted to events for the next 11 months. Pages peeled off the calendar and drifted away, carried on the wind to the landfill of memory. *sigh* Looking back at 2010 I see that my

Assignments from the Subconscious: Project Dreamboat

Gestalt dreamwork presumes that dreams are a message from the subconscious and that every element in the dream is a projection is an aspect of the person’s self. The dreamwork involves identifying these various elements and opening channels of communication between them. The course of therapy simply involves the facilitation of the conversation. The conversation

Apparently I Stink at Blogging

Six months ago I signed up for the Agion “Stink at Nothing” challenge – getting a free t-shirt in the mail that I was supposed to put through a series of rigorous BO experiments. I’ve worn the shirt repeatedly during exercise and expeditions but I’ve failed to put it to anything I’d call a test

Coyote Encounter of the Third Kind

So yesterday I took Mr. Moose out for our weekly run in the lemon orchard. Typically we go about a mile and a half, I take the tennis ball launcher and Moose gets double or triple the mileage out of the deal. Very rarely we might see a runner or another dog walker on these

Playing a New Game

This is just a quick update my regular readers know that I’ve started a new blog, specifically oriented to games, play, and fun in a youth ministry context. If you’re interested please feel free to hop over to Mud Pie Games and join the fun!