Eat This, Not That (Govt Approved Version)

In case you were wondering what you should do with the fuzzy cream cheese in the back of the fridge, now the U.S. government has the answer. (Hint, dry salami and hard cheese can be cleaned up and used. Toss everything else out.) You can also use this handy guide for your next backpacking trip.

Free Stock Photography – From the Smithsonian!

  Good news for lazy bloggers like me! Now the Wikimedia Commons is not the only source for FREE PHOTOGRAPHY you can put on your blog! Thanks to the U.S. Federal government you can have access to almost 7,000 high quality pictures that you already paid for with your tax dollars. These photos, with a

What Makes the Best Blog Strategy: Arcs, Nuggets or Tens?


What kind of blog posts do you find the most compelling? A decade ago someone pointed out to me that the surest path to get on a best-seller list is to have “Ten Easy Ways to…” in your title. The Blog-o-sphere bears out this line of attack – list posts (ie “Merlin’s top 5 super-obvious,

Why Can’t I Write a Freakin’ Awesome Blog Post?


I think I’ve put together some nice little blog posts here at Wild Rye. Just nothing as FREAKIN’ AWESOME as it could be (at least in my head.) Why would that be? It reminds me of my GI Joe. I was seven years old when Hasbro’s action figure first hit the market. The Unique Selling

Pet Rock


I love the wallpaper pictures that Patagonia offers free of charge on their website. I particularly love this Christian Pondella photo of Lonnie Kauk leaping from a boulder in the Buttermilks. But when I showed this photo to a friend at work, a person who has done considerable photo retouching professionally, he instantly said the

Brain Therapy

As I posted last week, I’ve hit an emotional rough patch. A real feeling of burn-out. The cure, according to the proponents of Positive Psychology…and doesn’t the name of that discipline just inspire trust? Anyhow, the cure for depression is to block out significant activities where you can focus on the area of your greatest

Following Your Happy Trail

Something happened earlier this month and I lost my will to live. Just reached a point where everything seems pointless. A lot of this is because of my job. Much of my effort is going into stuff that I am very qualified to handle, I’m arguably the most qualified and knowledgeable person in the organization

Reset Button

My astute reader will note that I haven’t posted for a while. Fact is, I’m burnt out. An emotional cinder. Extra crispy. Too many irons in the fire. Too many candles burning at both ends. Too much heat, not enough light. So today I decided to hit the reset button. I purged all the items

Sunday Sermon: God’s Weekend Project

I’ve been conducting a little experiment for the past couple of months – reading the Bible as if I was having a direct conversation with God. For instance, I’ll ask a question and then see if my daily Bible reading has the answer. Now I’m sure some of you may consider this to be like

What a 3-Year-Old Can Teach You About Wilderness Survival


In the first week one May, 3-year-old Joshua Childers decided to go on a hike. His adventure lasted three days and two nights through a heavy rain and in 40 degree temperature in Missouri’s Mark Twain forest, 53 hours in all. When he was found by search teams what he wanted most was a glass

Know Your Knot

As I’ve said before, I can’t remember how to tie a knot to save my life. Maybe that’s why I don’t get invited to necktie parties. Here’s a great tip from Make Magazine’s blog: wallet-sized knot tying reference cards to help you remember whether the rabbit goes over the fence or down the hole. Another

End of the Road for Bodie State Park?

California’s dire budget crisis has left vacationers with the very real fear that up to 220 California State Parks could be closed by the end of the season this September. Right now there’s no telling whether this is a political power play on the part of Governor Schwarzenegger, or how many parks would actually be

Use Witch Hazel to Cure Posion Oak Rash


Witch hazel is something you may have seen in your mother’s medicine chest, but she probably didn’t tell you why she was using it. Consequently you may not have discovered the extract’s many magical properties. Fact is, witch hazel is good for a lot of things, some that you can talk about in mixed company