
Cubist painting depicting a small group of musicians outdoors, with music stands the dominant feature.

Art Transforms Chaos into Life

In the final act of Picasso at Lapin Agile, a mysterious visitor from the future, wearing blue suede shoes, enters the bar and makes a striking pronouncement. VISITOR: ‘Cause this century, the accomplishments of artists and scientists outshone the accomplishments of politicians and governments. The rest of ensemble, including Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso, and a

A large statue of Jesus on a desert hillside, with a jet aircraft flying over, leaving a vapor trail

A Jesus Theme Park on the Way to Joshua Tree

When I first learned about Desert Christ Park in Weird California, I put it on my bucket list because it seemed like good fodder for a snarky blog post. But instead, I found the experience strangely moving. Just about two hours outside of Los Angeles and half an hour before you reach Joshua Tree National

The Heart and the Garden

When our desire moves us to make something, we begin to naturally start assembling bits and pieces into a kind of order. It doesn’t matter what we are working on, a piece of writing, a painting, a piece of furniture. There is an ordering process that is common to all creative works. The easiest place

Before I Die…Urban Art


Candy Chang’s installation project “Before I Die” transforms an abandoned house in New Orleans into a place for people to dream about what could be.