
Illustration of a distributed nework showing how posting, combined with reshaping, reaches nodes distant from the original poster.

Should I Federate My Blog?

There has been a fair amount of buzz around Automattic’s acquisition of the ActivityPub for WordPress Plugin. There are also a good number of tutorials on how to install, activate, and set up the plugin. But I haven’t seen a lot about why you would want your blog to be part of the “fediverse”, or

Stylized layout for a garden with many interconnected centers, demonstrating how connections form a coherent whole

Links create topology or sense of space in posts

Mike Caulfield makes a distinction between online posts that are “gardens” and posts that are “streams.” Streams are posts that you read, and then they move on, disappearing into history. They are utterances, meaning that they can only be correctly understood by what was said before. You can follow the chain of utterance back, thanks

This Week: Shadow Blogging Jason Kottke

This week I’m going to pay close attention to, and maybe even blog in the style of, Jason Kottke. Kottke once held the #80 spot in the Technoratti Top 100 blogs. He’s dropped in standings but remains a remarkable blogger owing to his highly interesting posts and sparse, minimalist presentation. Kottke is currently working on

Blog Experiment #53: Shadow-Blogging


I am amazed, baffled and tremendously envious of people who can make even a fraction of their living by blogging. So I decided to do something about it. Starting this week I am going to try my hand at shadowing another blogger and learning what exactly it is that they do. What are their topics?

2010: The Lost Year


This past year feels like it slipped away. I had big plans in mind, got off the track and then simply reacted to events for the next 11 months. Pages peeled off the calendar and drifted away, carried on the wind to the landfill of memory. *sigh* Looking back at 2010 I see that my

Why I Stopped Blogging


I started this year with a goal to better focus my writing and blog every day. I did a pretty good job of it until February 15…and then I stopped. Why? My attention shifted. The things I’m interested in at the moment don’t necessarily fit the theme of this blog…which is loosely defined as “things

What Makes the Best Blog Strategy: Arcs, Nuggets or Tens?


What kind of blog posts do you find the most compelling? A decade ago someone pointed out to me that the surest path to get on a best-seller list is to have “Ten Easy Ways to…” in your title. The Blog-o-sphere bears out this line of attack – list posts (ie “Merlin’s top 5 super-obvious,