Doing one true thing at a time to intensify life

Doing one true thing at a time will intensify the life of that location where you are working. To know if it is a true thing, follow the feeling in your heart.

If you do one thing at a time – just a true thing that comes from a carefully considered feeling – that means, when you do it, your own feeling is enormously increased, and you choose it because of that, and you put it there because of that…then something real, ordinary real life, will come into being there.

Living process in a garden depends on people following their own hearts, allowing the all of their hearts, dreams, feeling, to become actual in that place.

SOURCE: The Nature of Order, Book Three, A Vision of a Living World, page 235

Alexander goes on to talk about the need to TK Preserve the structure of what is there § 202012191651

He notes that when structure-preserving processes are in place, each subsquent change will also be structure-preserving, leading to a kind of TK automatic design § 201905311005

ID 202012191642

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