Living Structure

Cubist painting depicting a small group of musicians outdoors, with music stands the dominant feature.

Art Transforms Chaos into Life

In the final act of Picasso at Lapin Agile, a mysterious visitor from the future, wearing blue suede shoes, enters the bar and makes a striking pronouncement. VISITOR: ‘Cause this century, the accomplishments of artists and scientists outshone the accomplishments of politicians and governments. The rest of ensemble, including Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso, and a

Making Sense in Incoherent Times

When a system is far from equilibrium, small islands of coherence have the capacity to shift the entire system. This quotation, attributed to the Belgian physical chemist Ilya Prigogine, gives me hope that small groups of people working together may be able to shift our chaotic politics into something better. But is it realistic, or

Making a Gift to God

In order to make something that feels truly “alive” at the deepest level it can help to imagine that you are “making a gift to God.” At each step of the making process you evaluate which option is the most authentic or “true” by evaluating how well it brings out the spirit of the thing

small child examining a clump of soil in a garden

Maintaining the Garden

To me maintenance feels like a chore. It’s something you have to do, but it detracts from all the things you could be doing. But there’s another way of looking at maintenance. You are keeping something alive.  In this sense you aren’t simply maintaining. You are gardening. The Garden and Desire A garden is a

Structure emerges while working with notes

When you first start on a writing project you don’t know what the structure of your project will be. As you do research, collect ideas, and clarify your thoughts, the structure will emerge.  Using a tool like Tinderbox lets you test your ideas and see what kind of structure provides the best fit for your

First Step to Design – Use Your Words

Starting a design with a sketch risks starting with too much information – and information that is likely not a good fit with the project. There becomes a risk of working on and strengthening irrelevant parts of the structure at the expense of latent centers that are essential to the project. Christopher Alexander proposes starting